Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Finally got the 40 done, thank God for the giant sharpies 

First post

I thought for the first post I would put at least one shot of all that iv'e done in class so far.  
This paper monstrosity is, of course, our News Paper and Masking Tape cinder block support.  As you can see it worked though my measurement could have been more precise.
This is a shot of my thumbnails for our 2D dot project, which I am taking a break from to write this, I will post the final 40 later today.

These are my SweetGum Balls that I was assigned to recreate in card-bored.  I sawed one in to slices in order to get an idea on how to construct my 3D model.
And lastly, this is what I spent a good 3 hours on before decided that I was going bout the whole thing all wrong and so I get to start over again tomorrow.  Oh well I think the new idea will work better.